DUI Mandated Treatment

If you’ve been charged with a DUI (driving under the influence of a substance), you may be referred to a court-mandated treatment program. In many places, this is an alternative to serving jail time. Court-mandated DUI treatment can include substance abuse treatment and other therapeutic interventions that target substance abuse and its consequences. DUI mandated treatment offers substance-dependent offenders a chance to overcome their underlying illness and dysfunction without incarceration.


If you have been sent by a court or school for DUI mandated treatment, take the first step toward solving the problem by calling Willow Tree Therapy at 973-903-5431 or Request an Appointment here.

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25 Main Street, Rear Entrance Sparta, NJ 07871

New Clients: 973-903-5431

Billing Questions: 908-955-3309

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Telehealth Appointments are available

43 Main Street, Suite 101 Sparta, NJ 07871

New Clients: 973-903-5431

Billing Questions: 908-955-3309

Driving Directions

Telehealth Appointments are available

55 Newton Sparta Road, Suites 101 and 108 Newton, NJ 07860

New Clients: 973-903-5431

Billing Questions: 908-955-3309

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Telehealth Appointments are available